Dec 24, 2023 • by AiProff

Wildlife Intrusion Detection & Prevention in Farmlands using AI-Based Solution

India is an agriculture-driven country. More than half of the Indian workforce is being employed directly,

4 min read
Wildlife Intrusion Detection & Prevention in Farmlands using AI-Based Solution
Dec 24, 2023 • by AiProff

Therapy Planning for ASD Children using AI: A Data-Driven Journey into AI-Powered Care Planning

The landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis and management in India is undergoing a profound transformation,

4 min read
Therapy Planning for ASD Children using AI: A Data-Driven Journey into AI-Powered Care Planning
Sept 22, 2023 • by AiProff

Introduction to NLP: When AI talks

The field of Artificial intelligence is exciting. Under this discipline of Technology, machines can talk,

4 min read
Introduction to NLP: When AI talks
Sept 22, 2023 • by AiProff

Introduction to Computer Vision: When Machines Start to See

"A computer deserves to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.”

4 min read
Introduction to Computer Vision: When Machines Start to See
Sept 23, 2023 • by AiProff

Applied AI: When AI solves real world problems

Artificial Intelligence is a promising technological marvel that holds the key to the future.

3 min read
Applied AI: When AI solves real world problems
Sept 22, 2023 • by AiProff

Introduction: When AI starts to predict Future

"Forecasting is the art and science of predicting future events or outcomes based on past and present data.”

4 min read
Introduction: When AI starts to predict Future
Sept 22, 2023 • by AiProff

Introduction: Reliable and Robust AI

The field of Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving.

4 min read
Introduction: Reliable and Robust AI

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